Monday, November 9, 2009
McKinley Rae Cole
On October 28th.
4:30 pm - I went to the Dr. for a regular check up. I had a ton of swelling in my body for the last couple of weeks and high blood pressure for a week. The Dr. said that I had all the signs of preclamsyia (toxiemia). He gave us a couple of options -- wait to see if my labor progressed, but warned us that there could be possiblity of seizures or he could start my labor and possibly a long labor, or I could have a c-section and have the baby that night. Matt and I both trust my Dr. completely so, we told him we would do what he thought was best.
8:06 - McKinley Rae Cole was born. She is such an angel. That night I became Matt's number 2 girl. McKinley is now his number 1!! (and that's okay with me)
We have had a blast with her. She is the most snuggley baby. She loves to sleep during the day and keep her mommy awake at night.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The One Month Mark
One month left til baby Rae is here. (give or take a few days) We are so excited!!!! I'm hoping to have the baby's room done this weekend. The crib should be here on Saturday. And my mom is putting up the finally touch ups soon.

I knew I was getting big, but I did not realize how BIG my stomach has grown, until Matt took this picture.
I knew I was getting big, but I did not realize how BIG my stomach has grown, until Matt took this picture.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Funny, But Not so Funny
I just had to share this story. I feel bad, but its kinda funny.
I woke up Sunday with one of the worst headaches I've had in months and felt nauesaed. I took some tyenol and laid on the couch until it was time to get ready for church. After getting ready I thought okay I can make it through the meetings. Matt and I got to church and before the opening song was finished my headache was back. I sat for a little bit thinking that I could make it through at least sacrament meeting. But after the sacrament was passed my head was pounding. I turned to Matt and asked him to take me home. Our Bishop was up bearing his testimony and I didn't want to leave in the middle of it, so we wait until he was done.
Monday, while I was at work, Matt got a call from my Relief Socitey president. She was calling to see if I was okay. The Bishop seen us leave and they all thought that I had gone into Labor!
I woke up Sunday with one of the worst headaches I've had in months and felt nauesaed. I took some tyenol and laid on the couch until it was time to get ready for church. After getting ready I thought okay I can make it through the meetings. Matt and I got to church and before the opening song was finished my headache was back. I sat for a little bit thinking that I could make it through at least sacrament meeting. But after the sacrament was passed my head was pounding. I turned to Matt and asked him to take me home. Our Bishop was up bearing his testimony and I didn't want to leave in the middle of it, so we wait until he was done.
Monday, while I was at work, Matt got a call from my Relief Socitey president. She was calling to see if I was okay. The Bishop seen us leave and they all thought that I had gone into Labor!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
7/29/09 - We had another ultrasound! Baby girl is growing a week ahead schedule. So she'll either be big or early. (I hope neither) I'm really hoping she comes on 11/15 since that is my Grandpa Day's birthday. We decide her middle name is going to be Rae (just like grandpa). We are still trying to decide on her first name and probably won't decide until she gets her.

This is our little girl sucking her thumb.

Showing us how flexible she is.
This is our little girl sucking her thumb.
Showing us how flexible she is.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tickled Pink!!!!!
Okay so this is long over due! June 30th I had my big ultrasound!!! It's going to be a girl!!! Matt and my Dad guessed right! We couldn't be more excited (unless it showed twins w/ a girl and a boy).
I had a hard time not calling everyone right then. We spent the evening going to all the parents and my grandparent houses with "it's a girl" balloons!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Father's Day
We started Father's day weekend off by taking Matt's dad and my dad fishing at East Canyon. We had a blast!!!!!! We didn't get to fish long due to the rain storm, but we all caught a fish before heading back into shore. I forgot my camera so I don't have pictures.
Matt got a new riding lawn mower for Father's day! Due to his allergies, we thought it might be easier for him to do yard work.

Sunday, we spent most of the afternoon at my parents house. We enjoyed a nice BBQ.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
18 weeks and Lovin it!!!!

Yesterday I hit my 18th week of being pregnant. Today Matt and I went to the Doctors. My Dr. did an ultrasound on me and the umbilical cord was in the way, so we still don't know what we are having. Matt thinks we are having a girl. I think its a boy. I don't really care what it is I just want to know the sex!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Here's the update.
November Matt and I went to Chicago to see the Bears take on the Tenn. Titans. We lost!! We also got to see Chicago Bulls slaughter the Phoenix Suns. We seen lost of cool sights including Navy Pier, Sears tower, and many others. We had a blast even though we froze to death.

December Matt and I started to try for a baby. March we got the good news. WE ARE PREGNANT (or at least I am)
May 8th My baby sister got married!!
November Matt and I went to Chicago to see the Bears take on the Tenn. Titans. We lost!! We also got to see Chicago Bulls slaughter the Phoenix Suns. We seen lost of cool sights including Navy Pier, Sears tower, and many others. We had a blast even though we froze to death.

December Matt and I started to try for a baby. March we got the good news. WE ARE PREGNANT (or at least I am)
May 8th My baby sister got married!!
This one is for Julie
Okay, so I suck at keeping up with my blog. My friend Julie is giving me a bad time about updating my blog! So, Julie this one is for you! :)
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