Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas

I loved this Christmas Season!! McKinley was more aware of what Christmas involves. She asked over and over for us to sing Santa Claus is coming to Town. Everytime we would go to the mall she would always point out Santa and would say his name until we took her up there. Each time she would shy away and wouldnt sit on his lap. (Maybe Next Year). Mattie had fun chasing presents around on the floor and trying to rip them open.

We started out the holiday by celebrating Christmas a week early with Matt's dad and step-mom (his dad had to go back to work in ND). Next we celebrated Christmas with the Day and Dahl families. Christmas Eve we celebrated Christmas with Matt's Mom and Step-dad. Christmas morning we opened our Christmas presents and then had my family over for breakfast and finish celebrating the day.Christmas morning McKinley beat us out of our rooms and was on top of the slide by the time we got to the living room.

Matching PJs the girls got to open Christmas Eve. (A tradition that Matt and I decide to continue that my parents started when I was a baby)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

McKinley's 2nd Birthday and more...

McKinley's birthday was almost 6 weeks ago, so Im late (yet again) in posting. I can't believe how fast my baby girl is growing up. McKinley had an Elmo Party and invited a couple of her little friends and lots of family. Its was so fun to watch her open all her presents and watch her reactions. She is one very loved and spoiled little girl.

That weekend we also had the famous Norman Halloween Barn Party!!!!Halloween Time!!! McKinley LOVES Sesame Street, so she went as Abby Cadabby! She has even had to wear it a couple times since Halloween. Mattisyn was a little lamb. So cute and cozy.

Mattisyn is growing fast too. About three weeks ago, she started saying DaDa and loves to say it constantly. She has said MaMa twice and just laughs or Goos at me when I try to get her to say it. She is also crawling (army crawl) and is quick to make it from one end of the room to the other. Both girls love playing with each other and their cousins. Im so glad my brother and his family live close enough. McKinley tells me "Friends Play" whenever we are heading to their house or church.